
Similar Songs

Ever stop to think certain songs are very smiliar to other songs? ... How patches here and there are precisely the same in them? Would it bother you on occasion? These three songs are very much alike, at least they are in my head - and it DOES bother me! They are fairly good songs individually, but it's really annoying when you realise they are pretty much the same.

I hear this song on the radio.....

..... thinking it's this song:

.... which was already a lot like the song below....

I call fibs!!!



One week of my summer holiday has already gone by. It's been lazy days for most part. I've done some washing, I've sorted things in the garden and yesterday I was baking bisques with lemon mousse in it :)
The weather has been marvellous so far! - and I'm very happy about it. I couldn't wish for a better first week of holiday. I'm soon to go to Ireland as well and I'm really looking forward to it. Until I heard on the radio yesterday morning that they had 16 degrees in Dublin. They'd better be joking, I thought to myself. No one's meant to be cold during the summer! No one should be allowed to wear long sleeved jumpers and jeans in the summer either (unless they for some reason must). Being the Swede I am, I wear shorts, skirts and dresses because it's that time of the year. Earlier this year for instance, I think it was during the end of May, I decided it was summer and wore a dress on my commute to work even though on occasion it was no more than 10 degrees or so that early in the morning :)

Anywho; I spoke to a Dublin friend after my findings yesterday and was reassured it got a lot warmer than those 16 degrees as the day went by :) *phew!*

I have also decided to make a list of things I want to do this summer, while I'm off work and have plenty of time on my hands:

  • Buy a new summer dress (this will be made a new annual thing from now on)
  • Load turf onto a trailer when in Ireland (was told we might do that and I'm excited already!)
  • Have an ice cream with loads of sprinkles
  • Have coffee and pastry in town, eating it outdoors is a must
  • Eat dirty kebab! :)
  • Stealing the mister's moped for a joyride
  • Tend to the roses in the garden
  • Kill all the Stormcloaks in Skyrim (just because they're the rebel underdogs doesn't make them right!!)
  • See if I can find a suitable piano and save up for it
  • Watch Mulan in Mandarin
  • Decorate the bedroom and make the library less messy
  • Learn to make vintage hairdos and keeping up using nailpolish
That's about it at the moment :)

What plans do you have for your summer holiday? How long a holiday do you have?
Do comment and let me know.


Cutting the crap!

Cutting the crap! (aka gardening)
I've made room for nice things next to the house.

My garden looks like something the municipality planned, organised and blatantly ditched. It looks like the green areas you'd find outside a state owned hospital, school, park or perhaps even outside an extremely boring town hall. I have lots and lots of overgrown pink Spiraea crushing absolutely everything in its way (I found suffocated lavender underneath one of the bushes I removed today), there are two trees on my rather small plot of land, I have one hedge with bush cinquefoil and a large splotch of plantain lilies eating a large, flighty bit of a flowerbed.

I really didn't feel like doing gardening today, it was 33 degrees, but those Spiraea had to go. They just had to. I can't express just how much I dislike them. So off I went, starting to cut all the twigs and branches so that it will be easier to dig it up. The sooner I clear the flowerbeds the sooner I can plant my lovely roses, the catnip, lamb's ears, more lilacs, violets and rose acacia (spread over two different flowerbeds of course)

I'm not very good at gardening, I just like things - so in order to make this garden right I've asked my sister for advice and my mother likewise. My lovely gardener friend also gave me some brilliant hints when I told him my plans. He must have the coolest job ever! - and I'm really impressed with the knowledge he has about things I've never even heard of :)

Anyway, as soon as the weather cools down, I'm going to make my garden pretty. It will be easy to maintain (I hope) and not so common-area-esque!

Schmoosie getting ready to plant the roses


Haircuts and watches

Today I had a haircut! :)
I always look forward to having my hair fixed by the only hairdresser I'll ever let near me. She knows precisely how I want it and she makes an effort not to get water in my ears when she does the shampooing as she knows how ticklish I am. I feel very pampered.

I also went impulse shopping after I left work for the day. Besides getting my hair done I had made plans to eat lunch somewhere nice, despite being on my own. The tricky part in all of this was keeping track of time. You see when I went to work this morning I was in such a hurry that I forgot my phone at home. I don't wear a watch to work because I really like my watch and don't want it wrecked there; so my only way of knowing the time is through the phone. This caused me to decide that I totally need to get a watch for work. Just a cheap one to wear and tear.

Said and done, after the delicious Asian lunch buffee I went to a shop and found an awful lot of watches on sale. I noted how most watches have really big hourplates and that would not suit with my puny wrist. I asked a shop assistant to come help me so that I could try some on. I found a lovely plain one, very wearable. I tried it but thought (immediately a bit bored with it) that I already have a wearable one at home which I like even better - so I asked her if the Hello Kitty watches would fit me.

We found one. It's soft pink and has a Hello Kitty-face on the hourplate. It is subtle, but I know what it is :) It's a Hello Kitty watch!
The shop assistant then informed me that there'd be a musicbox included in the price. A pink one with a twirling Kitty......

Needless to say, I bought it there and then - and will happily wear the watch to work in the morning.


The full breakfast

Today I came across some questions and answers, in which a celebrity I've never heard of was responding to lots of things... One thing being what his favourite breakfast is, to which he replies "Full English".

That does puzzle me.

A full breakfast. What does it mean? How come I've never been offered a half English or Irish breakfast (or even heard of it)?
I know what would be included in mentioned breakfasts but why would you call it full? In my head all breakfasts are full. Apart from maybe that pathetic cup of strawberry yoghurt I call breakfast when I'm too tired to eat properly before going to work :P

I asked around and my dear friend Stephen kindly explained to me that it's to do with the amount of food served.

Full Irish breakfast would be:
2 sausages
2 rashers (thick bacon)
1-2 eggs
The Two Puddings (white and black)
Beans/fried potato/mushroom
Tae and toast

The half breakfast would be exactly the same but lesser of it:
1 sausage
1 rasher
1 egg
The Two Puddings
Maybe some mushroom/beans
Tae and toast

So thanks to him I finally got the hang of it - thanks, Shane! :)
Though I'm still not sure why you'd divide it like that because I have never seen half a breakfast being offered on a menu... or if someone asks you your favourite breakfast maybe responding English/Irish breakfast (without the "full") would do?

I may need to have such breakfasts more often in order to make perfect sense out of it :)