
Ice cream outrage!

How dare they remove my favourite ice cream in the world (!) from the ice cream van? >:(
I haven't bought anything from the ice cream van in ages, but figured now could be the time to start again. After all, summer is on its way and I really enjoy having a little stash of ice cream in the freezer for those warm days. So when I heard the ice cream van playing its silly tune I thought this was a marvellous time to get some ice cream without having to go to the shop (I hate going to the shop)
Alas, my joy didn't last very long as I found out they don't have my favourite ice cream anymore. How they could rid one of the nicest in the lot I will never know!

It's chocolate and vanilla ice cream in a small cup, divided by a layer of dark chocolate and crispy meringue. Simple and delicious!

I went searching for it in the shop the other day but it was nowhere to be found and the ice cream van was a no go...... What's even sadder is that when you google the name of the ice cream, there's no pictures of it! ..... Apart from this ridiculously puny one.

It's as if it never even existed!!

So if you see a young lady with her head down every single freezing counter when you're out shopping for groceries, it's probably me searching for the missing ice cream :)

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