
Schmoosie's frienemy

As it seems our little tiger is recruiting another member to the herd. Mr Chuckles and I spotted the very furry cat in our garden yesterday. Schmoosie was sitting calmly nearby looking at it. Normally he’d go all fluffy and upset someone’s coming close to his territory (he loves being territorial and macho), but this time he kept quiet. He even went chasing a butterfly instead of telling the strange cat off.

I’m not sure if this new buddy of his is a stray or if he has a home. It was rather thin, had long, dark fur and didn’t seem afraid at all. He even went for a lie down on one of the garden chairs. When we let Schmoosie in, the strange cat went after and popped his head in through the terrace door and that’s when Schmoosie came to chase him away. Schmoosie wasn’t really upset by it – it was more of a too-much-too-soon kind of thing.
I do hope this cat has a home already; partly because it really angers me when people kick out their cats and partly because I’m not sure if we have room for two.
… And I’m certainly not sure if I’d be able to convince Mr Chuckles that having two cats would be a good idea.


  1. Ah that's so cute :D I think you should leave some food out for Schmoosie's friend to encourage him/her to stick around :)


    1. I would if only I'd get away with it ;)
