

Last night I was so tired when I dragged myself to bed. It must've been a little past 10 o' clock at night and I was exhausted! ... and oh, how lovely it was to rest my weary head on my pillow (which, by the way, is covered by my favourite pillow case in the world! - a pink one with zebras on it. As it happens my grandma made that for me a few years ago and I've loved it ever since ... but enough about my zebra pillow - I could go on forever!)

So this morning I woke up, all by myself, which is rare as I usually need help from the alarm clock. It was bright outside and I wondered how long I had left to sleep before the alarm would start. Upon reaching my phone and noticing the time 07:44.

Oh fudge! Oh scrap! What the hay? (I actually say these things for real)

I was meant to get up at six. It takes me around 40 minutes to drive to work and I start at half past seven at the very latest. Surprisingly enough, it doesn't bother me so much. What did bother me was that there was a meeting on at eight I would've loved to go to - and I usually hate meetings.

I have the coolest bosses in the world. I rang them and said I'll slurp down some yoghurt and I'll be right over. During coffee break when I explained to my vice chief what had happened he laughed at me and taught me that I could set my alarm to ring weekdays so I wouldn't have to set it every night.

I had no idea this was even possible! .... The things they come up with nowadays!! :)

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