
Skyrim vs Dragon Age

I got a new video game a week ago or so. Well, new to me anyway… :)
I bought Skyrim as I had heard it is a good game and because I usually play Dragon Age and from what I could understand the two are quite similar. They’re both RPGs set in a fantasy world and you can choose if you want to play as a warrior, rogue or mage.

On my first hour of playing Skyrim I got the bright idea to pickpocket someone. You can do so in Dragon Age no problem, if it fails it fails and that’s all that happens. I figured there was nothing to lose so I did the same in Skyrim – and before I knew it everyone was attacking me. I managed to kill the one I pickpocketed and that’s when more people showed up in an angry mob. I didn’t know how to use the controls properly and thus got killed by an angry man with a frying pan.

Playing as a rogue is easy in Dragon Age. You just be opportunist whenever you get a chance. In Skyrim, however, everything is illegal and they will kill you for it. You can’t trespass, pick locks or steal without consequences (unless you’re really good at it and don’t get caught!).

I torched a random chicken with my fire magic because I was quite bored - and got killed because of it. One teeny tiny chicken, caused the death of four people.

Overall, this game is much too complicated for me.

Sellingpoint vs my reality
You can go anywhere!         I get lost

Visit loads of places!           I can’t find them

So many side missions!       Over-flooded with scrap

You can steal anything        Someone will kill you

Daytime/nighttime               It gets dark a lot.

Weather changes                 It mostly snows or rains

Make a character                 Y U NO pretty?

The main thing is miss in Skyrim is that in Dragon Age I have funny companions. In Skyrim I’m allowed one at the time (if I’m not mistaken) and in Dragon Age I can have three and they all make funny remarks that make me chuckle :)
I'm not done playing Skyrim, but I have no clue what the hay I'm doing.

The title menu song is scaring the bejesus out of Schmoosie...

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